Esoteric Tantra Yoga
At Ananda we offer a year course of Esoteric Tantra Yoga, an extensive and in-depth course that gradually takes you deeper into the mysteries of Tantra. The techniques and theory which you get during the course are very effective and are based on the ancient secret tantric teachings adapted to modern times. The Tantric teachings are explained in a grounded and often playful way, but also integrate knowledge from modern science.
Tantra shows us that the keys to living
consciously and ecstatically are:
To stay calm, lucid, and centered in the midst of our daily life.
To bring the sacred into the mundane.
To say YES to every situation, to both the joys and the challenges that life brings.
To live life to its fullest potential, with maximum awareness.
To turn everyday situations into an opportunity for expansion towards our highest spiritual potential.
Esoteric Tantra Yoga
At Ananda we offer a year course of Esoteric Tantra Yoga, an extensive and in-depth course that gradually takes you deeper into the mysteries of Tantra. The techniques and theory which you get during the course are very effective and are based on the ancient secret tantric teachings adapted to modern times. The Tantric teachings are explained in a grounded and often playful way, but also integrate knowledge from modern science.

Tantra shows us that the keys to living
consciously and ecstatically are:
To stay calm, lucid, and centered in the midst of our daily life.
To bring the sacred into the mundane.
To say YES to every situation, to both the joys and the challenges that life brings.
To live life to its fullest potential, with maximum awareness.
To turn everyday situations into an opportunity for expansion towards our highest spiritual potential.
What is Tantra?
Tantra is an invitation to discover the sacred dimension of your life and to let the body, heart and consciousness vibrate in unison. It is to discover life as a whole and to unveil the divine spark within all human beings. By a special use of all our senses, our sensuality, our mind and spirit we can reach mystic experiences.
In essence Tantra is not technique, but love; it’s a prayer, a relaxation into the heart to the point where a space is generated. It is the art of experiencing intensely every moment in your life.
Our very passions and desires versus our power to become conscious and lucid are the dynamics of Tantra. As Guhyasamaja Tantra mentions, “No one can achieve Liberation only through difficult and tormenting practices; yet Liberation may be achieved through conscious satisfaction of desires.”
Tantra Essentials

This course is structured in separate modules along the year.
Each module consists of 2 sessions of about 4h30‘ in such a way that we can have homework & feedback in order to deepen every level. For each module you will receive printed course material in Dutch or English.
Each course includes theory and practice in which we practice the techniques we have learned so far. The group techniques do not contain any form of erotic practices. The techniques given in the course start with the classical yoga techniques, which means that you learn at a basic level the Tantric perspective, and from there we gradually develop other methods. The course also integrates some playful group exercises that help one to awaken the heart, to overcome internal barriers and to transform.
Core teachings & basic tantric practices
- What is Tantra? Tools & principles.
- The law of attraction based on resonance & other tantric principles
- Yoga practice
- Mapping the human energetic system, subtle anatomy – Koshas & Chakras
- Energy work; exercises to experience the “chakras”.
- Power of polarity, Shiva/Shakti, understanding femininity and masculinity
- Meditation: Transfiguration Shiva-Sakty
When: 1-st session on Saturday 05/10/24 from 9:30-14:30& 2-nd session on Saturday 26/10/24 from 9:30-14:30
Vital life force & the root spine chakra
- Presentation of Muladhara chakra
- Asanas, techniques & meditations for activating Muladhara chakra
- Importance of vitality, grounding, stability, latent potential – Kundalini Shakti
- Predominant level of consciousness, inner attitudes & limitations – the power of unison, courage vs paranoia
- Behavioral characteristics of the human being mainly active at the level of Muladhara Chakra
- Q&A
When: 1-st session on Saturday 23/11/24 from 9:30 & 2-nd session on Saturday 07/12/24 from 9:30
Sexuality and the sacral plexus
- Presentation of Swadhisthana Chakra
- Asanas, techniques & meditations for activating Svadhistana chakra
- The principle of pleasure
- Imagination and creativity
- The creative potential and spiritual life
- The magic triangle and the control of sexual energy ; the importance of sexual continence
- Consecration – aligning our individual will with the Universal Will
- Tantric eroticism, multiorgasmic man/woman, transmutation & sublimation.
- Q&A
When: 1-st session on Saturday 18/01/25 from 9:30 and Saturday 08/02/25
Personal perfomance, will power & conscious self development
- Presentation of Manipura Chakra
- Asanas, techniques & meditations for activating Manipura chakra
- The principle of power & efficiency in action
- Importance of inner alchemy, sublime fire, self confidence, conscious effort
- Understanding the ego
- Predominant level of consciousness, inner attitudes & limitations
- Q&A
When: 1-st session on Saturday 22/03/25 from 9:30 and on Saturday 10/05/25
All Tantra modules are on Saturdays from 9:30 till 14:00. The intro workshop runs till 14:30! You can opt to enroll for the entire year course for a reduced price or you can choose to follow them separate and pay per module.
If you are not fully sure to enroll for all, you can first enroll for Module 1 and decide at the end of that module. The reduction is valid till 25th of November.
Send an email to check availability of places and we will give you all further details.
If you pay for all four modules you get 10% discount:
- 432€/360€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 360€/€288 (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
If you pay per module:
- 120€/100€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 100€/80€ (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
Tantra Advanced

For all tantrics who acquired the fundamentals
Tantra advanced is a continuation of the workshops of Tantra essentials for all Hatha yoga students of the 2-nd year and higher who attended minimum 3 chakras workshops (or are following the chakra workshops in parallel with Tantra advanced).
With the advanced modules you have greater chances to embrace the tantric teachings and bring them into your life in a way that leads to real and lasting transformation. Tantra is a genuine experience of life that begins from where you are in your life in this moment: you’ll begin to understand the significance of each of your life experiences – emotions, reactions, understandings or circumstances in your life, job, relationships, interactions with friends and family. You are given the “tools” to build the perfect love relationship, perfect harmony in your family life, with your friends … and all of these will lead to the discovering of our inner Self, to who we really are, the feeling that life is how it should be and gives us a sense of happiness. Everything becomes significant and meaningfull, it brings more coherence to life and allows you to understand why did it “happen” to you.
What to expect?
4Each workshop will last in average 5h. You can expect:
- Presentation of the 1st theoretical subject (1) for 50min.
- The main practice of approx. 90 minutes that consists of:
- an initial phase of awareness and warming up – to stretch the muscles, increase flexibility, and gently prepare the body to perform the various postures of ASANAS successfully.
- the main practice that include asanas, pranayama, meditation and visualization – and their effects on your inner states & daily life.
- the complete yogic relaxation – an active, conscious relaxation of the entire being. It crystallizes the results of the practice, creating long-lasting effects that we can perceive even in daily life.
- Presentation of 2nd theoretical subject (2) for 50min.
- Specific meditation and other techniques taught in the course for about 40min.
- Q&A for 20min
Small breaks with tea and biscuits are foreseen.
Enlightenment, spiritual realization, the supreme power centre Saharara
- Asanas, techniques & meditations for activating Sahasrara
- Achieving the purpose of spiritual evolution through the awakening of the supreme power center Sahasrara
- The complete awakening of the Soul and the revelation of the Self
- The trans-personal psychology, the characteristics of a spiritually liberated being
- Godly wisdom. Self-knowledge – a fundamental duty
- About Samadhi – the state of cosmic consciousness
- Synthesis regarding the Chakra System & Laya yoga –meditation with a subtle sound (mantra)
When: Saturdays 28/09/2024 & 19/10/2024 from 9:30 – 14:30
- 120€/100€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 100€/80€ (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
Module 1:
Transfiguration & Tantric eroticism
This module is about the difference between sex and pure eroticism and how genuine Tantrics approach relationships & lovemaking.
We study practical methods to use the creative sexual potential for higher purposes, to improve focus and performance at work, to increase love and happiness in everyday life and even to reach the highest spiritual realizations.
- Workshop 1: The great importance of relaxation doubled by lucidity – Yoga nidra – an ecstatic relaxation
Without awareness, detachement and a very profound relaxation, the tantric practice is empowering the ego. Tantra states that if we are able to relax completely, being in the same time aware and attentive, we experience the state of ecxtasy. Practicing yoga nidra is a type of meditation, effects come after repeating it many times. We can discover its magical effects, leading to astral lovemaking, continuous connection of lovers even when physically separated, expanding our consciousness to the subtle environment, leading to being able to control it.
- Workshop 2 : Transfiguration (part 1&2)
Transfiguration is what is intuitively perceived beyond appearances, a process that transforms both the one who transfigure and the one who is an object of transfiguration. Transfiguration is used in tantra as a tool to operate most methods we learn.
- Workshop 3: Tantric eroticism (part 1&2)
Tantra approaches the erotic manifestation not as a need to spiritualize this apparent inferior tendency but rather as an aspiration to fulfill the divine destiny of this fundamental creative energy. It is a deep understanding of the eroticis, it is a spontaneous curiosity to explore and the courage to face the limits.
- Workshop 4 : Tantric eroticism (part 3&4)
KALI is the Power that gives the transforming impulse of the erotic union. The pleasure & enchantment together with the love and self-transfiguration create the background of the inner alchemy. In Tantra the women is regarded as initiator due to her resonance with Kali. Both man and woman will find their inspiration and support on the tantric path, on the sphere of power of Kali.
A secret tantric technique ‘Shakti Chalana Mudra’ will be given.
When: Saturdays 16/11/2024, 30/11/2024, 11/01/2025, 01/02/2025 from 9:30 – 14:30
- 230€/190€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 190€/150€ (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
Module 2:
Secrets of the tantric couple relationships
In this module are given keys for long-lasting love and attraction in a couple relationship. In Tantra, relationships and lovemaking are some of the most powerful tools for growth, transformation and endless happiness.
We study how men can develop more masculine stamina and stand-up power and how women can unlock their feminine charm and beauty and how to awaken the Goddess within.
- Workshop 1 : Secrets of the tantric couple relationship (part 1&2)
- Workshop 2 : Secrets of the tantric couple relationship (part 3&4)
- Workshop 3: Secrets of the tantric couple relationship (part 5&6)
- Workshop 4 : Secrets of the tantric couple relationship; Yoni Mudra (part 7&8)
When: Saturdays 15/03/25, 29/03/25, 26/04/25, 17/05/25 from 9:30 – 14:30
- 230€/190€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 190€/150€ (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
All Tantra modules are on Saturdays from 9:30 till 14:00. The entire module of 4 workshops can only be followed in its entirety. This allows us to go deep into the subject and to garantee a certain level.
Send an email to check availability of places and we will give you all further details.
The Tantra Advanced modules consists out of 4 workshops. Your investement:
- 230€/190€ (student -26 y, 65+)
- 190€/150€ (student -26 y, 65+) – price valid for hatha yoga students in Ananda
Wat onze leerlingen zeggen over ons
De tantra-modules waren voor mij een enorme verrijking. Je krijgt zoveel aangeboden in deze diepgaande, uitgebreide sessies en ook in de lectuur die je meekrijgt.
Ik beleef mijn dagelijkse leven hierdoor vanuit een andere, meer bewuste insteek. Hoe je vanuit jezelf alles rondom jou beleeft en mee vormgeeft. Dit maakt vele momenten intenser, speelser en mooier.
Op andere tijden helpt het je de leerkansen te zien in wat zich voordoet. Ik zou dit iedereen aanraden die graag in de diepte duikt en op zoek is naar transformatie.
Ananda biedt heel wat activiteiten aan in de weekends. Dit kunnen vrouwencirkels zijn, mannengroepen, detoxworkshops, SOUL evenings, masterclasses, retraites …. en nog zoveel meer.
Wat maakt ons anders dan andere yogacentra?
Bij ons geen korte lessen van een uur! Een beginnersles duurt minimum 1u30min. Vanaf het 2de jaar duren de lessen minimum 1u45, vanaf het 3de jaar 2uur. Deze tijd hebben we nodig om diepgang en kwaliteit te kunnen bieden.
Alle lessen werken opbouwend. We starten in september en leren elke week iets nieuws, zowel theorie als oefeningen. Na een eerste jaar, kan je doorstromen naar een 2de jaar, nadien een 3de jaar, enz.
Onze lessen zijn gebaseerd op de authentieke leringen zoals eeuwen geleden onderwezen. We distantiëren ons van de moderne varianten zoals fitnessyoga e.d., maar grijpen terug naar het traditionele onderricht. Uiteraard aangepast aan onze tijd en maatschappij.
Elke week krijg je een geschreven cursus mee naar huis. Hierin staat samengevat waarover de les ging. Heb je eens een les gemist, dan kan je thuis alles rustig nalezen.
De docenten hebben minstens 10 jaar yoga ervaring en beschikken over internationale diploma’s. Ze volgen jaarlijks verdere opleidingen, stages en retraites met als doel zich verder te bekwamen in yoga en in hun eigen innerlijke evolutie.
Over ons
Al onze lessen worden per serie van 10 opeenvolgende weken betaald en kosten:
€130 voor Hatha
Studenten (-26j) en 65+ betalen: €115 voor Hatha
